Sunday, February 29, 2004

2/01/2004 - 2/29/2004

Monday, February 23, 2004
Another day, another author's talk to facilitate. David Hawkins, a Christian psychologist, wrote "Men just don't get it." During the question and answer period he asked me a question about my future plans. I answered Brad and I are hoping to forsake normalcy to pursue our values. To live simply. He was intrigued. He wanted details. I had trouble getting him to refocus on his audience. Dr. Hawkins thought our ideas bold. I think our ideas have waited in silence too long. To live simply, to minimize over consumption (books are exempt), to live off grid, to find joy in the everyday. To take time to listen. Brad and I agreed to wait until our children left home before we pursued our goals. Two years and counting.John English, "The Shift An Awakening," had a dream that demanded to be written. He was a normal engineer. The dream would not let go until he wrote it down. These ideas seem normal to me. The life I have led seems the one out of calibration. The little girl awakens from a lifetime slumber, dreams waiting to unfold.
Posted by: CJ / 10:23 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2004
A little girl looks up into an azure sky. Stars large enough to hold, if small arms could reach up past her mother's shoulder. Stars hold us quietly instead. Gaze, still the body, the breathing. Stars become larger than earth. The calling has begun. My dreams, my passions, formed under the sky's watchful eye. I was reminded this week of those dreams that were put aside in exchange for a normal life. It didn't quench the small voice waiting to be heard.I met an author this week that reminded me that only in listening to the inner call and forsaking normal life will the little girl's dreams be as bright as the glistening stars.
Posted by: CJ / 12:02 PM