Saturday, March 5, 2011

My old posts from Myspace

I wanted to save some blog entries from Myspace and decided to leave them here.

Jan 18, 2008
I miss her giggle.
Current mood: nostalgic
Brad said he missed Jessica. I should miss her warmth. Hugging her is easy, her body always hugs back. I should miss her smile. Her whole face lights up. Always has. I should miss her rambles. She is a consummate conversationalist. But, no, it's her giggle I miss. The memory of it can warm me on a lonely night. I have been known to think of excuses to call her - just to hear that giggle. I don't have to say anything funny. Jessica cannot talk long without giggling. It is infectious, melodic - it is Jessica embracing life.

Dec 12, 2007
So sometimes I am not the brightest bulb on the tree.
Today is my day off. Brad made me stay home because he thought I was getting stressed out about Christmas. Okay, so maybe he was right. Anyway, I wanted to make some stew and his rank roast was still in the fridge, in my crockpot. He had promised to feed it to the critters. I decided to help him and cut it up to distribute to the forest creatures. I took the plate outside and noticed my one neighbor was not at home and it was pitch black. I suddenly felt alone, very alone. I dropped the meat near our front yard and scurried back inside. I explained this all to Brad when he called. He burst out loud laughing and said, "So, let me see, you went outside, at night, with meat in your hands." I think I have a ways to go in the Daniel Boone department. I am now safely inside with my electricity, walls, and locked door. I don't think bears know how to pick locks yet.

Dec 4, 2007
We are Home!
I am home after another "Woodinville has been declared a disaster zone" evening. Visions of last year are still dancing in my head. Brad and I went to work as usual, until the highway we were on, 522, came to a sudden halt. All of our recent rain had flooded Woodinville. A traffic jam did the rest of the damage. Woodinville had become an island.
I went to work, where for several hours we helped co-workers and customers find the secret route off of the island. Some co-workers spent 3 hours trying to get home. Some stayed with friends. We heard reports of a submerged truck and circling helicoptors. Matt walked Laura across the train tressle and down the hillside to meet her ride. He then found himself leading families out of Woodinville across the same route.
Brad had to go up to Wood-Duvall to Avondale to Redmond to get to Renton. He spent the evening helping clients find their way home and recording new flooding and outages. He told me the Govenor had declared Woodinville a disaster area.
We in Woodinville didn't need the Govenor to tell us the obvious.
I miss Jessica. She always came and picked me up on the nights I didn't know if Brad was coming to get me. I could always stay at her place and have a girl's night and find out what she had in her liquor cabinet. Always worth it.
Tonight, Brad came through and we made it home. Back to the snow and Payton Creek and Bridal Veil Stream so loud I thought our little valley was flooding. I am home.

Aug 16, 2007
Looking at the NW sky
Current mood:nostalgic
I have the next 3 days off. Today I am home. I am doing a little cleaning, a little sorting, and a lot of looking at Mt. Index. The sky is perfect: cloudy with threatening rain. Some Loreena McKinnett music and a little of my new drink makes for the perfect afternoon. I have discovered vodka with the liquor "Celtic Crossing" goes down smooth and one drink lasts hours.
I am waxing nostalgic as I am coming across stuff my kids owned, made, or loved. Makes me miss their laughter, off-beat jokes, and warm hugs.
I waited so many years for a little alone time and quiet. . . and I spend it missing them.