Monday, April 4, 2011

Miss Marian

I received a gift today. One of the ladies at my favorite quilt store received a call from Sandy McKay. Her mother, who loved to create cross stitch wall hangings on a wooden frame, had recently passed away. She did not want to sell the frame; she wanted to give it to someone who would continue creating on it. The saleslady thought of me and thought I would appreciate the generosity and honor the gift. I phoned Sandra today and she wanted me to come over. I had a wonderful time with Sandy. She showed me pictures of her Mother, Miss Marian, and a wall hanging she had done. The wall hanging was of a garden, which Miss Marian stitched many. Sandy and I agreed that energy never leaves and that Miss Marian left her energy in the frame. You could feel the energy near her things. I shared a dream I had last night with Sandy. I opened the door to what I thought was my living room. As the door opened I saw that it was not my room and inside were beautiful fabrics on the furniture and skeins of threads hanging from the walls. Golds and reds were everywhere and sunlight was pouring in through the window. A dark haired woman was sitting with her hands crossed at the wrist, by the window. She stood up. I said, "I'm sorry, I thought this was my room." She said, " That's alright, you are welcome here. This is your room now too." Sandy said it sounded like something her Mom would say. We agreed coincidences don't exist; everything happens for a reason. One has to quiet down to hear. I am honored to have been chosen to carry on Miss Marian's work. I agreed to take a picture of the frame and show Sandy something I made on it. I could feel the air tingle as we talked. Sandy said her Mom talks to her often and was surprised when I referred to her as Miss Marian. She said that was what people called her. How did I know? That which encompasses us all spoke to me and I promised Sandy to slow down, quiet down, and listen. I am honored.