Sunday, January 1, 2012

I smiled this Christmas as I saw what the holiday means to me; how I have made it mine.  John, my brother-in-law, posted a comment on Facebook about keeping Christ in Christmas.  He got me thinking as a voice inside said, "what if we took Christ out of Christmas?"  Let me explain.

I would like to celebrate Christ's birthday in the spring, when he was born.  We could mark the day with respect, and gratitude at what this great Man has given us.  We would have time for a Church service, and share our joy with fellow Christians. 

Christmas could be about the pagan aspects we all celebrate.  We could cherish our decorated trees, and not wonder if they should be palm trees.  We would not feel guilty about referring to Santa Claus, instead of Christ, in stories and advertising.  We could express our affection for one another by exchanging gifts and salutations, without offending non-Christians.  People of all religions could participate because most Christmas traditions are from religions and mythologies long gone.  Christmas is a national holiday as evidenced by the US Government, banks, and most businesses giving the day off as a paid holiday.  Why not make it something everyone can enjoy?

We gathered one evening and each family member stated what made Christmas special for them.  We all agreed on a dead tree with lights and decorations.  We  like different versions of our favorite Christmas songs and delight in sharing new ones with each other.  We wanted to exchange small gifts as a sign of affection and a reflection of the giver.  Cammie and I like making Christmas cards as this is a way to express our affection to those we do not exchange gifts with.  Brad likes having a special dinner.  Cammie likes starting the day with coffee, cinnamon rolls, and watching the Nutcracker.  Jess just liked not being in Alaska.

This planning made each moment of Christmas special, especially the two weeks leading up to the big day.  I liked making Christmas our own.

I plan on celebrating Christ's Birthday this March by making a cake, with candles, and reflecting on the gifts and wisdom he gives us.  So, yes, John, I am putting Christ back in Christmas by giving him a whole holiday to himself.  He doesn't have to share it with Santa, nor the retailers, and most of all, his day will not be about overspending, or yelling at clerks.  Maybe the idea will catch on and more people can have a day celebrating Christ, instead of a day about pagan traditions.