Saturday, February 25, 2012


Thursday, Cammy and I went to Tina's on Madison.  Eclectic only describes the beginning of the experience.  Fabric is everywhere, with no particular rhyme or reason.  The giant rolls are stacked in corners, fanning out on both sides. A semblance of a center aisle can be seen.  Some rolls are stacked haphazard from shelves, appearing ready to fall under the weight.  First the colors remind me of being inside an Easter basket.  Splashes of color everywhere, with no regard with what may clash with what.  Then, as my eyes adjust, I notice the textures.  My hand reaches out regardless whether I am interested in the fabric or not.  I could drown in the richness of it all.  After touching everything in sight, I notice the collection of tassels.  The owner definitely has an affinity. 

Cammy, ever knowing on the spot what she likes, picks a black textured satin for her hood/shawl.  We both notice the owner has an antique cash register, which she states she has had for years; before it became antique.  It is for use, not show.  She does old style credit cards with the rolling slide gizmo.  She prefers cash, which we were happy to part with.  Tina detains us, without resistance, to see the article on her shop in a major professionals interior decorator magazine.  Yup, lots of tassels in the mock bedroom.  Tina's personal dress style is a reflection of her shop, lots of colors and textures.  She speaks with an eastern European accent and American slang still escapes her, which is a source of laughter between us.

We were reulctant to leave, so we wandered the community of Madison Park 'till dusk.  Tina's is worth starting a new project just for an excuse to go there.
Sigh.  I have been struggling with this voice that whispers inside; so quietly that most of the time I can ignore it.  But it is always there, asking to come out, asking why I don't listen. I want to meditate, sew, laugh with the trees outside; but I spend my time exhausted from work, worrying, and just distracted. 

I spent the evening with Cammy discussing the why of not living the way the little voice wants to and concluded I need to get rid of stuff I cling to.  An image of it sits in the back of my mind and tires me just trying to ignore it.  Time to let go and live like I did in college; all my belongings could fit into the trunk of my car.