Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Cold North Wind

Sometimes, a cold wind will blow through swinging open a front door that has not been properly closed.  A family member responds by getting up to shut the door.  Everyone feels the chill and moves to find a sweater or shake off the cold.  Our family had chilling air sweep through our home last Tuesday when Brad found out he had prostate cancer.  The phone call sent chills down to our core.  Brad mobilised to shut the door and will have surgery in the next month to rid himself of it.  The chilling wind is still with us as we move to shake it off.  We have felt the questions of our mortality, what do we want to leave to our family, and what of ourselves would we want our children to remember.  Brad would like to leave his genealogy records for coming generations and to teach Jessi how to hunt and use a gun.  I would like her to develop her art and feed her soul with it.  Brad would like to teach Cammi how to find strength and resolve.  I would like to leave quilts for others to keep warm with and teach Cammi how to sew, releasing her inner art.  Together, Brad and I would like to live simply, to laugh together, and to enjoy watching our children grow. 

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