Sunday, February 17, 2013

I am Awake

I have awakened.  These past six months have given me back my energy, my passion, and my laughter.  After much angst on my part,  and encouragement from my family, I quit my job last June.  I spent the month of July on the couch, just breathing.  Slowly, I started to notice the warmth of the summer air, friends' stories and laughter, and the voice inside yearning.  Brad, Jess, and I found St. James' Cathedral.  The parishioners opened their hearts to us.  We joined.  I have been gone too long.  

Artistic yearnings have always tried to find their way to the surface.  A few years ago, I tried to teach myself how to crazy quilt and made a sampler in the resemblance of a cobweb.  I had difficulty deciphering the harder stitches but still strove to apply stitches to fabric.  

I reached for quilting again.  My fingers love the feel of cotton. I returned to the Shamrock quilt; adding borders and quilting it by hand.  

I  wanted complicated stitches and found a hand stitching club at the "Needle & I." Georgia Gale unlocked the secret of crazy stitching for me.  I have not stopped stitching since. We were given the homework of a traditional sampler.  Mine is all reds as white florals were too much.  I am still working on it.  I will add ribbons, beads, and buttons.

This Christmas found me at Hattie's Hat; a most congenial establishment.  I found inspiration in the reds of the lighting, decor, and festive decorations.  My red sampler was seen in an enhanced light; what chaos can bring to a piece.  I now look at my work through the inspiration of what I see around me, not just the fabric in front of me.

Last month, I noticed Karen Ruane was holding an online beginning embroidery class.  Be still my beating heart.  I did not think my skills were ready and was concerned about the commitment.  My family yelled, "Go for It!" and I did.  This class starts in March and I can hardly contain myself waiting.  I have spent my time in thrift shops collecting linens and lace and ordering threads from England.  Much time has been devoted to reorganizing my sewing space and getting rid of flotsam.  I have never taken the time and energy to become good, really good, at hand stitching and this opportunity is my chance. 

I still wanted more and have found it.  I joined the Seattle Modern Quilting Guild.  The members got me excited at the prospect of bringing to life the images in my head, to try new color combinations and designs, and to reach out to other quilters.  

I have it all now; family, friends, my faith, hand stitching, and quilting.  I am ready to start looking for another job; one that has normal hours and normal demands.  I am whole again.

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