Friday, April 30, 2004

4/01/2004 - 4/30/2004

Thursday, April 29, 2004
I have been changing, stretching actually, this past month. I read a reference to Buddhist philosophy that stopped me for awhile. It stated that true Buddhists are willing to look inside themselves at the places they do not want to look. This coincided with an incident at work that indicated I am not always seen by others as I see myself. coincidence? No. A lesson was waiting for me. I have spent this month leaning into it. I have been looking into the dark corners of my personality. The little girl resisted.Every day, I work at letting other's comments pass through me, not defending myself. Not concerned with whether or not I am liked. The little girl inside is slowly opening her hands, insecurities pouring out like sand. The wind whisking them away. I want to be transparent. I work at letting my ego fade into nothingness, leaving only God in it's wake.
Posted by: CJ / 11:41 PM

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