Friday, March 7, 2008

Missing Person

I stopped at the bulletin board in Gold Bar. Her face caught my eye. The page was titled "Missing Person." I knew her. At the beginning of our road lives Cameron. His girlfriend is Francis. "She has been missing since 2/18/08." The last time I saw her was in early February. I had stayed late in Woodinville, arriving home at 1 AM. Cameron's truck was across the road. I was not happy. I waited; he did not move his truck. He came over and said, "I'm sorry, hon, but we were leaving and got the truck stuck. I'm afraid you will have to walk home." I sat for a couple of minutes, ticked off because I did not want to walk a quarter mile, in the snow, in the dark. I then resigned myself to my fate, called Brad, and began to put on my winter gear. I got out of the Durango and began to walk. I noticed Francis, sitting on the ground, in jeans and a light jacket. She was trying to scoop the snow out from behind the truck. Her hands were bare. I went over to her and said hello. I then knew she was as drunk as Cameron. My irritation quickly became concern for her. "Francis, you need to stop and go inside to get warm." She looked up and me and apologized for making me walk home. "Francis, I am okay, but you need to go inside before hypothermia sets in." She said she was allright and needed to finish. I then went back to Cameron and told him to stop shoveling, and get Francis inside. I pointed out that even if he got his truck unstuck, he could not go anywhere as my car was blocking the road. He said okay and started to approach Francis. I hoped they would go inside, but had no control to make it so. As I walked a light approached me. Brad was walking down our road to make sure I arrived home safely.

"She may have left with a man named Dave. She may be delusional and not taking her medications." Francis likes everyone. On occasion Brad and I will pass her on Mt. Index Road hitchhiking. We give her a lift to friends in Gold Bar, glad we picked her up and not some stranger. She is trusting beyond reason. Two pictures showed her smiling and laughing. Cameron looked content.

I had no idea of the pain Cameron is going through as I pass his cabin daily. Missing Persons happens to other people, not to people I know. I hope she is safe and returns. How hard to protect people when they do not realize the danger they are in. We can only pray and wait.

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