Friday, March 28, 2008

A Snowy Day in Paradise

The winter snow has melted. The sun can be seen over the treetops during the afternoon. The birds have been returning; I enjoy them early in the morning. A snowfall started today and I sipped my cup of coffee while watching. Although snow has fallen much this winter, I never know when the last snow of the season will be. Therefore I try to take time to enjoy the spectacle. This picture was taken of our road today. At one point the snowflakes were in such abundance, they were a blur in the camera's eye.

I am reminded of a similar snowfall earlier this winter. I was in Top's Food parking lot waiting for Brad to pick me up after work. Few people were around at midnight. I looked up and noticed this one was special. The flakes were very large, something I had not seen since living in Seward, Alaska. The light from the light pole highlighted the flakes a long way up. The snowflakes looked like a map of the universe, a constellation of snowflakes. Each snowflake fell slowly. I could track the trajectory of each flake from high above. I was mesmerized. Customers stopped to ask me what I was looking at. When I explained that I was peeking into the universe, they joined me in my gazing. God wows us in small ways.

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